I cover the simple electronic devices that could be made, subject to certain assumptions, in a "post-industrial" world where fossil fuels are depleted and humans must live sustainably. In part 1 I have covered the production of silicon wafers, the starting point for a photovoltaics (PV) technology (further described in part 2) and for simple electronics devices, as described herein.
Life today seems impossible without computers and smart phones, yet these are recent developments that depend on complex and expensive supply chains and support systems, that in turn depend on economies of scale, in turn depending on (cheap) fossil fuels to support a growth-oriented prosperity. It's impossible to predict where things will end up in the economic trade-offs, but without the money push to buy the latest new features, some small number of semiconductor fabs could supply the world's needs, if the money is there to support them. But without growth and cheap energy (e.g. fossil fuels), money will be in short supply, so things will get simplified.
But how simple? A basic transistor or two enables radio receivers, which are quite valuable
for news, weather, farm prices, entertainment, etc. A few more can make a simple transceiver (think CB radio), adding two way communication, meaning aid can be summoned faster, trades can be discussed faster/easier - especially in light of the reduced mobility likely in a fossil fuel free world.
A few power transistors and some simple ICs make an efficient, reliable, life conserving charging/management system for storage batteries, which extends the utility of small wind turbines, PV systems, solar thermal electric, wood burning Stirling engines, and the like.
A few more and bigger power semiconductors, and one can build inverters, and run AC motors, which means longer life/higher reliability due to the replacement of commutators and the attendant brush wear with slip rings, or with permanent magnet motors, not even any slip rings (by electrically commutating the stationary windings on the outside of the motor). On a per-motor basis, like an electric buggy/bike/train/..., one can do efficient speed control and regenerative braking.
Simple, reliable motors mean more effective things like refrigeration, circulation pumps for solar hot water and ground source heat pumps, water pumps for irrigation, fans for ventilation, and I'm sure many more applications. In conjunction with some simple electronics, motors can be used to track the sun for solar collectors, which means higher temperatures for solar thermal systems and more output per day for all solar collectors.
Another source of motivation is that semiconductors do have "wear-out" mechanisms, depending on how they're used. Contaminants eventually leak into packages, causing corrosion and shifts in electronic properties. Electromigration due to the flow of electrons displacing the atoms in conductors causes open circuits, and electrostatic displacement of atoms can cause short circuits. Diffusion of dopants and contaminating impurities within the solid semiconductor crystal will in time alter the device characteristics, resulting in malfunction. While commercial semiconductors can be made to work reliably for some 10s of years, say 20 or 30, when we get into the 100 year or longer timeframe, failures will be quite high. [4] Also note that the "passive" components used in electronics systems, like resistors and capacitors, also have failure mechanisms. Thus unless we replace broken devices, it won't be long until we won't have anymore.
The Evolution Of The Semiconductor Industry
The solid state transistor was invented in 1947 [1], it was a very crude device, requiring no special environment to make. Since it was fragile, other kinds of transistors were developed through the 1940's and 1950's. But these were still made in ordinary environments without that much work at extraordinary cleanliness. Transistors were initially made individually, mostly by hand. Around 1958/59, with the application of photolithography techniques from the printing industry, together with diffusion doping, multiple transistors started being made on a single wafer, which was then cut into separate "die", each with one transistor on it. Shortly thereafter, multiple transistors were made and hooked together on a single die and the integrated circuit (IC) was born. [2]
The very first ICs had fairly crude dimensions, lines on the order of 100th of an inch (.25 mm), easily achievable with photolithography, and not too susceptible to things like dust particles, though hairs and lint could be problematic. So the first "clean rooms" started to be in use for electronics. Clean room techniques were developed a bit earlier, especially during World War II to deal with miniature ball bearings and other tiny components. [3]
Air conditioning is a must for clean rooms, both to circulate air through fine filters and to maintain a reasonable temperature, since any heat inside the room must be removed artificially because letting in fresh air will just dirty the place. And in most clean room applications, air conditioning is required to maintain a constant temperature due to the small tolerances of the items being made, which would be overwhelmed by thermal expansion/contraction. Without temperature control, items made early one day would not fit items made in the hot afternoon. Even a single wafer being processed must match a series of masks, which would be different relative sizes at different temperatures.
Cleanrooms come in different "classes" according to the need. The latest microprocessors require class 1 (ISO 3) or better cleanrooms. [5] Class 1 means no more than 1 particle measuring bigger than .5 um in each cubic foot of air (35 per cubic meter). This is an enormous undertaking. The cleanroom must be positively pressurized, to keep any dirt out. The air blows down from the ceiling and out through the floor to sweep particles away. Very fine filters, with large pressure losses, filter all the air many times an hour. Redundant filter setups are required to allow changing filters without losing cleanliness. Everything that goes into the cleanroom must be thoroughly cleaned. We've probably all seen some picture of the "bunny suits" warn by technicians in modern fabs. These must be made of synthetic fabrics that won't shed any lint. Along with hoods and booties, they too much be cleaned before use and maintained. Some fabs require fully contained suits, filtering the wearer's breath. To help keep contaminants off wafers, they are now transported from machine to machine inside Front Opening Unified Pods (FOUPs). All these things are made of plastics, meaning petroleum. And many are disposable, especially the cleaning wipes and sooner or later the suits.
In contrast, PV fabs barely have cleanrooms - class 100,000 (ISO 8), the lowest cleanroom class - to keep metallic dust down that would cut a percent or two off the efficiency of the cells. Basically some better than normal air filters and paying attention to ductwork for a regular air-conditioning system.
A property of ICs is that by shrinking the transistors and interconnections, one can trade off putting more on a single chip (increased function) or making more chips per wafer (decreased cost per function). Since integrated circuits have to be designed into a system, IC manufacturers want to be at the leading edge of features, so they can have more "design wins" than their competitors. While this is costly up front, as a generation of ICs is produced, experience is gained, yield goes up, cost goes down, and profits go up, especially at high sales volumes. So there is great pressure to shrink feature size. In 1971, Intel came out with their first microprocessor, the 4004. It had 10 um features and 2,300 transistors. A sheet of 20 pound typing paper is about 100 um thick. Blue light, used in the photolithographic process, has a wavelength a little less than .5 um, so 10 um features are easy to see under visible light, and easy to use conventional photolithographic "masks" (like a photographic negative) to expose the patterns needed. By 2000, the Pentium 4 had 0.18 um features and 4.2 million transistors, and in 2012 the 3rd generation Core processor has 0.022 um (22 nm) features and 1.4 billion transistors. The diameter of a single atom is around 0.1 nm, so chip features are now just a few 100 atoms big. [6]
Photolithography of semiconductors started simple. A wafer was chucked onto a spin-able plate, then drops of a solution of photoresist were dropped onto the center. As the wafer is spun, this will spread out into a uniform thin layer and harden as the solvent evaporates. After letting the resist dry, a full wafer mask would be aligned and set face down on the wafer and exposed to blue or UV light. Then the resist is chemically developed, leaving some on the wafer and other areas where it was removed. Now the wafer could be exposed to etchants that remove unwanted areas, or to additive processes to create structures only where wanted. Soon masks became so complex, and tolerances so fine, that a mask for the whole wafer was no longer economical or gave good yield if actually pressed onto the wafer. So "step and repeat" machines were developed that exposed each chip's area individually by projecting light through the mask. This also relaxed mask constraints so the masks could be made larger than the resultant feature size. [7] These days features are much smaller than visible light, so ultraviolet light from excimer lasers is used, as well as tricks like phase-contrast masks to get sub-wavelength resolution. These steppers are very complex and very expensive, $40 million each, and a large fab will have a dozen or so. [9] Even the excimer lasers aren't fine enough for smaller features, so extreme ultraviolet lithography is being developed. [8]
While the costs per wafer are going up, the costs per transistor have been going down way faster, but it takes a large amount of capital to build and equip these plants. PV wafer processing cost about $1, while a 300 mm wafer might cost $3,000 - $10,000. [10] Even accounting the difference in wafer area, $3 to $3,000 means there's a lot more complexity on a semiconductor wafer. A simple recipe for an IC has more than 20 steps, here's one from a university [11]. It lists most of the supplies, chemicals and equipment needed, including the 4 masks. The early masks were "taped out" by hand [13] and photographically reduced with ordinary high resolution film. Now, a complex process for state of the art microprocessors will have more than 300 steps, and a set of 30 or so masks. [12] The features on masks are now so small that electron beams are used to "write" them. The finer features/small light wavelengths require new photoresists, which require new solvents to apply them and new solvents to dissolve them. Other layers may be required/desired below or above the actual photoresist layer. [15] All these chemicals keep getting more and more complex.
Doping got more complex. It started out as simple diffusion from gaseous, solid, or spun on precursors. These days, ion implant machines, basically particle accelerators, blast dopant ions into the wafer.
As feature sizes decreased, simple wet etching needed to be replaced with dry plasma etching processes to avoid problems with microscopic gas bubbles blocking etchant action and to achieve the higher feature vertical aspect ratios desired.
Metallization to interconnect transistors has gotten vastly more complex. The early metallization was just aluminum, evaporated or sputtered over patterned photoresist. When the photoresist was washed off in solvent, aluminum was left behind on the bare silicon or oxide surface. But when chip features got very small, two issues emerge. Since aluminum is a light element, when conductors get small, it is subject to electromigration of the aluminum atoms from the pressure of the flowing electrons, resulting in open circuits. The solution was to replace aluminum with copper, but that requires more steps, since putting copper directly on silicon will "poison" the devices, and copper can't be dry etched and is hard to evaporate or sputter, so it must be electroplated. Since it can't be dry etched and wet etching is no longer fine enough, it must be over-deposited in trenches in the insulator around it, then chemical-mechanical planarization (CMP) to pattern, which requires more steps, and more chemicals/materials. [14]
The current microprocessor/memory technology has become very complex, expensive and depends on complex supply chains. While certainly important to the military industrial complex, the large market for consumer goods might shrink considerably in a declining economy. And since the military depends to a large degree on Commercial Off The Shelf (COTS) items now, we all may be blindsided by a collapse of the IC industry or large parts of it. Also, with a more fragile economy, recovery from things like the Fukushima earthquake may be more difficult/impossible - it had a significant effect on the IC industry. [16]
Processes for Simple Semiconductors
I will lay out some processing steps for simple semiconductors, using something like 10 - 20 um features ("rules"), which should be sufficient to make transistors and simple ICs like voltage regulators, op amps, and the like.
Among the attributes of silicon that make it the semiconductor of choice is its stable, insoluble oxide. So the first real processing step is to grow an oxide. Oxides serve as masks for doping/implantation, insulating/passivation layers, and gate oxides for simple MOS transistors. One needs a furnace that goes to 1100 deg. C (2000 F) or more, with a sealed chamber - typically a fused quartz tube. Fused quartz rods are also used to build the "boats" that hold the wafers in the furnace. A supply of oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen gas is needed. The nitrogen keeps a flow of gas always going out of the furnace, to try and keep contaminates out. The oxygen and hydrogen are used in oxidation, the oxygen by itself makes oxide with different qualities than oxygen and hydrogen together, which make high temperature steam - a "wet" oxidation. Often these are mixed in the same run. Depending on the thickness of oxide layer desired, oxidation may take half an hour to several hours.
Once an oxide for masking is grown, photoresist must be laid down. The wafer must be completely dry, so a minute on a warm hotplate is often used if it has been sitting around adsorbing water from the air. Often a surfactant/bonding agent is used between the silicon and photoresist, often hexamethyldisilazane. I would hope to skip this step for simple things, it's a kinda nasty chemical, but if we prepare silicones for PV encapsulation, it can easily be made. A wafer is chucked on a spinner. These have a vacuum chuck to hold the wafer down, and a motor and often a timer to quickly spin a wafer to several thousand rpm. Then we drop on some liquid photoresist and spin it off.
There are two kinds of photoresists, positive tone and negative tone. The positive resists dissolve where the light hit them, and the negative resists dissolve where the light did NOT hit them. There are many kinds out there, so I'm reasonably sure something could be found. There are all kinds of tradeoffs in choosing a resist. Fortunately not much of it is needed.
Masked exposure is next. Contact masks, where the mask is actually touching the resist on the wafer, are simplest, but have obvious wear and contamination problems. Masks are made from glass or fuzed silica with a corrosion resistant metal on them, often chromium. They are patterned photolithographically themselves, usually with a reduction lens from a larger pattern (at least for something like 10-20 um rules). The light could be a mercury vapor light, or with the right resist, the sun. Simple steppers could be used if the tradeoff from making many contact masks vs. the stepper works on in favor of it.
Resist development follows, where the dissolvable parts of the resist are washed away. Some developers are as simple as a mild solution of sodium hydroxide, others are very complex.
After development, one typically needs to hardbake the resist to help it stand up to the following processing steps. This is often done on a hotplate or small oven.
An alternative method of patterning might be nano-imprint lithography (NIL), though not at the nanometer scale. Instead of photoresist, a warm, flowable polymer (or a UV curable liquid) is squeezed between a mold and the wafer surface. When cooled (or cured), the mold is removed. The polymer could be something as simple as beeswax.
Now one does an oxide etch, using HF and often an ammonia salt of HF, ammonium fluoride, easily made from HF and ammonium hydroxide. This will etch holes in the oxide down to the silicon surface wherever the resist is not covering the oxide.
Often, the photoresist is removed before the next step, particularly if a high temperature step like diffusion follows. This can be done with solvents, like acetone. Now we have a waste, but we can distill that to recycle the acetone. The other way is "ashing" - using an oxygen plasma to burn the photoresist. [17] Typical RF requirements are 50 W at 30 kHz, well within simple vacuum tube or transistor capabilities.
Dopant deposition is the next step. There are several alternatives.
Solid source doping uses wafers made of dopant precursors or have dopant precursors deposited on them. They are place face to face with the masked wafer and heated so that dopant atoms diffuse to the masked wafer. The advantages are the usually non-toxic nature of the source. It requires a hot furnace step, then cooling before the drive in step, so it is slow. It's also not so controllable, due to the depletion of the dopant source wafers.
Gas source doping uses a gas (or volatilized liquid) in a hot furnace. The dopant decomposes on the hot wafers. It requires fairly sophisticated flow controllers to be repeatable. It allows twice the wafers in a furnace as solid source doping, and one can often just shut off the dopant gas and then raise the furnace to 1100 - 1200 deg. C to do the drive in step.
Spin on sources are just liquids that are spun onto the wafer like photoresist, then baked in a hot furnace. Typically it must cool and the "spin on glass" removed with HF, then back into a diffusion furnace, adding extra steps.
Drive in occurs when the wafers are heated to 1100 or 1200 deg. C, and the dopant atoms rapidly diffuse inward. There are usually several dopings, so the "thermal budget" must be planned out in advance to avoid over diffusion of the first doping. Often the masking oxide is removed just before this step, and another fresh oxide layer grown at the same time, in preparation for the next step.
An alternative is ion implantation. If you'd ask me a few years ago about low tech semiconductor fabrication and ion implantation, I'd have laughed. But there are some low cost implanters that have come out for PV, so I no longer think it that wild. The PV style implanters don't mass analyze the ions, nor do they raster the beam, so they'd only work for unsophisticated electronics on small wafers - just like I'm thinking of here. An advantage is that if the resist layer is thick enough, no oxide is needed to mask the implant. One can use a rapid thermal process to anneal and activate the implant instead of an hour(s) long diffusion. It would save creating and removing the oxide, and be better controlled than other doping methods. Basically an ion implanter is a high current particle accelerator, like the Cockcroft-Walton invented in 1932, although the 50 - 100 keV needed is well within the range of a transformer and rectifier.
Once the drive-in step is done, if one has used an oxide mask and it is still there, one must remove it in HF, unless one is keeping it as the final oxide protective layer.
There are typically 2 or 3 diffusions/implants depending on what one is doing. Simple transistors only take 2. ICs will take sometimes take 3, as will thyristors and similar devices.
If doing metal oxide semiconductors (MOS), a gate insulator is needed. For simple devices just grown an oxide layer, then do photoresist, a photomask, develop, hard bake, etch the oxide in HF, the remove the resist. Gate oxides need to be of high quality, so they are typically grown "dry" with just oxygen, but that is much slower than "wet" oxidation. Many process flows will leave the last "wet" oxide on the surface as a protective layer, etch down to bare silicon for the gate, then grow the gate oxide in those holes.
Next we need to etch off any oxide where we will put down metal. Typical step as usual: spin on photoresist, expose photomask, develop, hard bake, etch oxide in HF, remove the resist.
Metallization is most simply done with evaporated aluminum. Aluminum is compatible with silicon, and for crude devices like we're making with 10 or 20 um rules it's reliable. It also works well with a process called "lift-off", where a layer of photoresist is laid down and patterned, leaving resist where we do NOT want the aluminum to end up. Then we evaporate a layer of aluminum, then dissolve the resist and any aluminum on top of resist will come off too. We could do a masked etch of the metal instead of lift-off, but now we need a metal etchant in our toolbox, which already has acetone in it, a good solvent for lift-off.
The evaporation machine is a sealed vessel, pumped down to a decent vacuum. The simplest ones are just a tungsten filament on which little aluminum wires will be hung. After a good vacuum is achieved, the filament is energized a bit and the aluminum wires melt and form balls by capillary action. Then the filament is heated more, and the aluminum evaporates at 2519 deg. C., far below the melting point of tungsten at 3422 C. Fancier evaporators use a ceramic crucible or electron beam to melt/vaporize aluminum. We'll put down about a um thick of aluminum of small signal devices, more on big power devices.
If we had a sputtering machine, we could use that instead of evaporation.
Lift-off requires using a solvent, like acetone, to reach in through the stepped edge of the aluminum layer. Ashing will not work at this step.
The final step when doing aluminum contacts is to anneal the contacts, at 475 deg. C. in an inert or slightly reducing atmosphere. This improves the electrical conductivity of the contact.
Now we test each device. A prober will have a set of needles that can be lowered to contact each of the device input/output pads, and an electronic circuit to test the function. This could be very simple - an function generator for input, and oscilloscope for output, and a picture of what's good or not. The operator will mark bad die so we don't waste resources packaging them. The prober will then be retracted and positioned over the next die.
The wafer is then diced. These days most of sliced up with a dicing saw, which uses small diamond coated wheels. With the right orientation of wafer, we can scribe with a diamond or tungsten carbide tipped scribe, and break the wafer into lines, and each line into die.
Then the die will be packaged. These days most die are packaged in plastic, but I'm doubtful about that in a future petroleum short world. The technology in the resins is actually pretty fancy. Instead, we use plain old-fashioned metal or ceramic packages. For small transistors, like the TO-18 for small ones, and TO-3 for large ones. ICs with up to 8 or 10 leads can use the similar TO-99 package. These are made of metal, with leads going into the base through hermetic metal-glass seals. The die is attached to the base of the package, sometimes on an insulator, with a low temp eutectic solder or glass frit. Then wires are run from the die to the metal leads. The simplest way involves tiny gold wires. These are obviously expensive, but easy since the gold is so soft. A thin gold wire is fed through a tiny metal pipe like a hypodermic needle (with a flat, smoothed end). A bit of wire is fed out through the tube and balled. Formerly a tiny oxy-hydrogen flame was used, but these days an electrical discharge melts the tip of the gold wire, forming a ball. Then the ball is pressed onto the IC pad and pressure welds to it. The wire is draw over to the package lead, and smashed into that, bonding and pulling the wire apart. [18] Copper and aluminum are also used for IC wire bonding, but have to be ultrasonically welded. [19] After die bonding, it is common to test again, to make sure the attachments are good. Then the cap is put on and sealed with a low temperature solder.
If you've made it this far, congratulations. The manufacture of even simple transistors is non-trivial. But nothing was extremely hard, or depended on sophisticated tools/controllers/exotic materials/complex infrastructure like modern microprocessors do. A simple class 100,000 or 10,000 cleanroom should work well enough for transistors and simple ICs that would serve as simple radio amps, battery charge controllers and the like.No sane military commander would go off to battle without two way radio if he could help it, and although tubes are much more low tech, their power requirements are much greater and that is problematic for mobile applications. Radar and night vision equipment is also of great benefit for military use.
Having a good battery charge controller would greatly extend the life of storage batteries, and with small wind and/or solar being the only two near-universally applicable sustainable electricity generation means, there would be great economic benefit in that.
LEDs cannot be made from silicon, but the development of skills and infrastructure would greatly facilitate the practice of that technology, which uses similar equipment. They would reduce power requirements for lighting by 80% over incandescent bulbs, and save even more money/effort/resources due to their long lifetime.
No promises can be made, but simple semiconductors don't look impossible, even in a somewhat resource constrained world.
============== References =============
[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_transistor
[2] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Invention_of_the_integrated_circuit#First_semiconductor_ICs
[3] http://www.academia.edu/1059377/Controlling_Contamination_The_Origins_of_Clean_Room_Technology
[4] http://www.aosmd.com/media/reliability-handbook.pdf
[5] http://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/history/museum-transistors-to-transformations-brochure.html
[6] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atomic_radius
[7] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stepper
[8] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extreme_ultraviolet_lithography
[9] http://www.bizjournals.com/albuquerque/stories/2009/07/20/daily73.html?page=all
And notice the power consumption for this fab - 55 MW going to 65 MW.
[10] http://smithsonianchips.si.edu/ice/cd/CEICM/SECTION2.pdf
[11] http://fabweb.ece.uiuc.edu/lab/
[12] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Photomask
[13] http://www.computerhistory.org/semiconductor/timeline/1955-Photolithography.html
Note 3rd and 4th pictures.
[14] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Copper_interconnect
[15] courses.ee.psu.edu/ruzyllo/ee518/EE518_Adv.PR.Tech.S06.ppt
[16] http://www.digitimes.com/news/a20110315VL202.html
[17] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plasma_cleaning
[18] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ball_bonding
[19] http://www.smallprecisiontools.com/products-and-solutions/chip-bonding-tools/wedge-bonding-tools/technical-overview/basic-ultrasonic-wedge-bonding-process
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ReplyDeletemary underscore ballon at yahoo dot ca
Hope that you get this!